Naturopathic Services

15-Minute Discovery Call

If you have a health concern but you're unsure what a Naturopath can do for you, book this 15-minute discovery call. This way we can discuss the steps involved in finding out more about whats going on with your health, and begin the process to resolve the issue.

15 mins | FREE

Initial Consult

The aim of this in-person consult is to gather as much information as possible about your health. We do this by asking questions about your current health conditions, as well as past medical history, family history, diet, lifestyle and environmental factors. All of this will lead us to get a clear picture of whats going on with your health, and devise a strategy for you.

90 mins | $150

Follow-Up Consult

For existing clients only, the aim of this consult is to discover how the treatment is working and adjust if necessary. Often a treatment strategy is implemented in stages to give your body time to adjust to the changes, and continued progress towards health is often necessary to make lasting change.

45 mins | $80